Friday, April 9, 2010

Building a coffee table : Priceless

I knew in my mind what I wanted in a coffee table. I kept checking the sales papers, checking Craigslist, thrift store ... everywhere. I came up with nothing or nothing I could spend money on. So, then I got this bright idea. I'm sure it was complete with the light bulb above the head and everything. I would build my own. Riiiiight.

I scoured the web for any info I could find and looked over plans at knockoffwood for ideas and tips. Then I made some measurements, made a list and headed to my favorite place --- HD. Did I mention I love that store? The smell of wood is intoxicating ... but I digress. I walked around gathering up my materials, argued with myself in my head whether it was a good idea and tried to explain to my 4 year old why I was dragging her to "that store" again.

I really didn't keep up with the step-by-step process but I can say I learned quite a bit. Some of those things include: even the most thoroughly thought plans are flawed ... measure, measure, measure ... I'm lucky I still have all of my digits and they will probably never forgive me --- I probably shouldn't use hammers and hot drill bits are, well, HOT ... I can't cut straight worth a dang ... and it's very easy to get frustrated but persistance is king.

It is in no way perfect -- man, you should see some of the mistakes I made -- and I think I probably spent close to what I would have if I had just bought the darn thing (I quit keeping track) but I MADE IT. It gave me something to do and I felt pretty pleased with myself. I also love that my daughter thinks I rock. She's already requested a bunk bed and a stage (she's quite the little performer) ... although she's been using my table as a stage. Good thing it's sturdy!
** I will be adding shelves to maximize storage later. ** And, note the chairs in the corner of the first pic. Those are my reupolstering guinea pigs. $10 each at a local thrift store.

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  1. Jumped over from Shanty2Chic blog and I think you did a great job! Kudos to you!
